Thursday, June 06, 2013

the stray cat

The stray cat
It came yesterday
Hiding behind the potted plants
Lying low in the dark

Today I had a better look
The orange white stray cat is injured
Hiding behind the potted plant
Staring at me as I whistled for the cat to come

Slowly the cat stretched her body
The unsteady hind legs took a fall
The cat was knocked by a motorbike or hit by a human
The cat walked with a bad limp

The cat meowed “Don't chase me away”
It came brushed her body on my hand
Looking at me as if to say “Let me stay”
Fed the cat with fresh milk...

In the night went to a shop
Bought a packet of cat's food
When I brought it back
The cat could smell

The cat was hungry
I could see how she behaved
Poured the cat's food on a plastic container
The cat ate quickly...

I know when the cat has recovered
I will not see the cat again
The open space the cat will roam
My garden is just a sanctuary

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