Monday, November 09, 2020

failure is a gateway to success


One thing we learn

Joe Biden progresses to US President

He tried 3 times to get himself elected into office

Before he finally makes his claim this year

We have to believe in ourselves

We have to focus on it and live in it

We shouldn't be swayed by outside factors

When we believe what can we can achieve

The vibration will carry it through

The manifestation will bring it high

The Universe will make it happen

Some may call it luck but a person needs to try

Back home we have Dr Mahathir

In his old age he became a 2nd time Prime Minister

But he blew it for not believing in the manifesto

He betrayed his own coalition partners

Now he dreams to become a 3rd time lucky

But the stake he holds is low at present

On the obvious count he can't get his wish

Yet he has his vibration to get there!

We have to believe in our dreams

Focus and work on it

Build it up in the minds feel the grade

The Universe will unleash the way

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