Tuesday, May 21, 2024

the young adults


The young adults

Rearing to go in the work places

Get colleges or universities degrees

They want to fly

Years of studies

Bearing fruits in the hope

A future will be assured

As they look forward

Along the way

They forget about health

Fast food and drinks

Sleeping late at nights

The tolls on their young bodies

On the wrong substances used

In a couple of years

The health issues bearing weight

The young adults

Rushing to make their marks

Inside their bodies

The time bombs ticking

Slow and steady

It will always make sense

The young adults run

Into the world of economic pursuits

the wrong teaching


The wrong teaching

Giving out false hope

Falling down the slope

Begging for alms in tears

The brain washing minds

The drama of fools fall in

The independent thinking disappear

Like dogs on ropes tied to poles

Sometimes barking loudly

At times howling to prayer times

Too much listening and copying

The independent spirit disappears

On reality flow

The changes within the mind

Absorb the positive values

Forget all about the bad

The wrong teaching

The fall of many instead

Wake up to face reality

Without economic success we will fall

don't run away with problems


When problems hit

Don't try to run away

Hiding it will not help

Better build castles in the air

It may sound silly

When problems hit

By dreaming of good vibrations

It will help to calm the mind

In the calm atmosphere

The breathing will go steady

The issues will be tackled calmly

Without fear creeping into the equation

Building castles in the air

It may take away time

It is better to allow it

Instead of worrying and in panic

The confidence has to crawled back

Staying a calm mind will find solutions

To the problems causing headaches or fear

Keep the cortisol low a better view will happen

the south of the border


The south of the border

The sudden traffic jam involved

Most motorists are caught in it

For hours queuing up under the sun

The authority checking thoroughly

Of unwanted elements running to her city

The police and immigration officers

They aren't closing their fear

All because of Islamic terrorists

Giving rise to false hope of tomorrow

A police station in Johor was attacked

The police will comb out to catch

The south of the border

The authority will not lower guard

It is better to cause jam now

Instead of problems in the city state

Monday, May 20, 2024

it seems like yesterday


It seems like yesterday

Everyone on give and take

Don't take it to the extreme

Learn to accept and value different cultures

Sitting down together

Sharing ideas or jokes

Poking fun at each other

Nothing to feel offended

It seems like yesterday

The good feeling for the nation

It took an old man to change it

Using his divide and rule policy

Today we see the bad vibrations

Running through the society of races

The healing process on the side road

One race afraid to be spooked

It seems like yesterday

The wind whirring freely to all

No need to build up walls

Today the great walls in our minds

the mid-day glow


The mid-day glow

Under the cloudy sky

The soft wind blowing

Wondering of the day

The party politics

Running through our minds

Which one to believe?

They all sound the same

Once they taste the power

They forget their promises of reforms

They will draw back to the old systems

Afraid to spook a race to be independent

On the campaign trails

The sweet promises blowing high

Giving us hope changes will happen

But we are the fools to fall again

The mid-day glow

Which party to trust?

The power will make them blind

Forget the promises they have made

Now Bersih will go on again

Tell the current leaders not to forget

The solemn promises on the campaigns

Giving us hope changes will happen

the divide and rule


The divide and rule

The game of the past history

It is still being use

To divide the people

The upper class

The controlling stake

The wealth of the nation

They want it all

They know the rule

The effectiveness for their benefits

They will not want to change it

It is the wealth to take

The divide and rule

The wrong power in the wrong hand

The people will suffer as a whole

They will live with the crumbs

In democracy one person one vote

Yet the manipulative game can be played

By using 2R to fool the majority

Driving fear into their daily living

The narration of stories

Learn it from the holy books

The stories some can't be true

It is told to make them fight for it

In modern times

It's the divide and rule

The power in the wrong hand

The tales of uneven distribution of wealth

the bitchy women


The bitchy women

Running into the men's lives

They are aggressive

They are abusive in words

The low frame men

They will turn around and leave

They have no clues how to handle

The bitchy women they meet

Learn from the high frame men

They can turn around the bitchy women

It is their shit test to pick the brave ones

They dare to take them head on

The bitchy women

They don't want to surrender easily

They want to find the best

Those who can pass the shit test

Sunday, May 19, 2024

if we don't take action


The edges of time

The years take its toll

The wrinkles on the faces

The eye bags on short of sleep

It all happens

Pursuing wealth and problems

Cropping up like a maze

Capturing the helpless souls

Crying deep in the sleep

The edges of time

Afraid to fall and forget

Leaving no legacy

Happiness for some

Crying those under the bridge

The vagabond and homeless

Looking at the passing passage

The edges of time

If we don't take action

In the years we will get nothing

We can cry in regrets

the police must gear it up


The police should go after the terrorists

Don't let the Islamic terrorists hide

Don't let the 2 police officers die in vain

These terrorist group should be caged in

Don't let religion as an excuse

It is a crime of murder in the law

These bad people involved should pay

Don't let them live freely in society

They are good at it in hiding their faces

As they have crafted their skills

Hiding behind the long arm of the law

A religious front to camouflage their ill intentions

The police musst monitor and find ways to stop them

Don't let them get away in religious clothing

They are the cells waiting for the opportunity

Once a while they may try to cause chaos

Using politicians to air their causes

On race and religion issues

The police should take proactive steps

Don't let religion using it as a camouflage

summer breeze


Summer breeze

The whirring softly

On the beach

The ogling eyes glow

Nothing to hide

It is there to watch

Summer breeze

The memories recorded

The display of nakedness

The towels to cover barely

Heating up by the naked rays

Summer breeze whistling

Nobody will want to complain

The parade on the beach

Good for the eyes and minds

Only fools stuck in religious route

Summer breeze

The whirring softly

Heating up by the naked rays

Nothing to hide

the ordinary folks


The ordinary folks

They aren't in the loop

What they need to see

The abundance comes to play

The economy should rise

As long as the politicians know

What they must do

The ordinary folks still hoping

The costs of living

Getting hot in their minds

The 2 pockets can't seem enough

It seems to get empty fast

The hot breezes

Heat up their minds

As the whirring sound

Stirring up the angry look

The ordinary folks

The grouses ringing high

The ruling parties should notice

Don't pretend they don't hear

Saturday, May 18, 2024

the islamic terrorists


The Islamic terrorists

Hiding in incognito in sheep clothing

Walking and living at ease

Like a cell waiting for the calls

The parade in religious outlook

Living under cover until they strike

Light up the bad vibrations in our minds

The intention hasn't changed

The police can say under control

They should be arrested and put in cells

They will not change their minds

They are fed in the wrong concept

The decades ago they attacked a military base

Now they attacked a police station in Johore

Don't tell us it is under control

It is better to round them up for good

The hot bed can be in religious schools

The feed of wrong approaches to life and living

The narrow pathway leading to lake of fire

The police should take a look and watch

Now the police have to hunt them

The police will know where to look

Since they monitor the terrorist group(s)

Living in incognito of their agenda

the citizens rights


All colleges and universities

As long as these institutions build in the country

There shouldn't be a race base educational institution

We have it in the secondary schools why not in universities?

A university funded by tax-payers

It shouldn't be closed for others

We shoudn't have 2 classes of needs

Giving one forgetting the others

Article 153 doesn't say about it

It is the politicians who made it bad

Giving rise to the divide and rule

The majority taxpayers never demand

Let the colleges and universities

Be open to every citizen of the country

The SOP should be the same as secondary schools

Why need to group a race to a race base university?

Over to you Renaissance man

You were once the Education Minister

If he wants to be remembered

He should play his card well not NATO

the sky


The sky of blue

The sky of clouds

Brushing along to paint

The sky is the play ground

In the morning rise

The houseowners try

Hanging out clothes to dry

When the sun runs the lights

Will it hold the sky?

The sunrays slowly toning low

The dark clouds sending its blankets

Covering it into cloudy sky

When the rainy tears fall

The melody on the roof and ground

The falling rain dancing wild

Cooling the area for sometimes

The sky of blue

The sky of clouds

The sun will light

The rain will cry

is it true religion has no compulsion?


No children should embrace religion

Let them decide when they come of age

In between they can and be taught about it

The final step they have to decide

At a age they can understand

As religion has no compulsion to it

The children don't have to follow their parents

They can observe and learn

Let them watch

When they don't have to decide

As it stands today

No children have their rights to embrace

As they turn into adults

Some may disagree

Yet they can't opt out

The parents and society will shout

Friday, May 17, 2024

charity begins at home


Renaissance man

Better begin his reforms

He shouldn't focus

On Hamas and Palestine

In his backyard

It is where he needed to perform

Don't go performing the wrong

Forgetting his own charity back home

Bersih will hit it high

Roaring for reforms

The nation badly needs it

Renaissance man should focus back home

The public generally are disappointed

As Renaissance man still taking his own sweet time

The urgent needs to reform still in dream-land

Giving space and time he better owns it up

the wild growing


The wild growing

The dark shadows will smile

They don't care the consequences

Once they hit lives may get paid

The growing scenes

Causing uneasiness in the public

Is it an isolated case?

The police should hit the chart

Molotov bombs hit

Boycott instigations

All for the wrong reasons

Now a police station incident

2 police officers died

One seriously injured

Attacked at 2.45 morning

The sneak killer(s) hit

The daring attack

The police in Johore

They should search for the crook(s)

Don't let the 2 police officers died in vain

The wild growing

The dark shadows will smile

The police must gear it up

Find the attacker(s)

The public should stay alert

The dark shadows on the run

The wrong teaching in life

Causing pain in later years

the pet owners


The pet owners

Know the law on domestic animals

They mustn't be mistreated

The law is explicitly clear

Many may not know

The law on domestic animals

It is better they learn the basic

Don't mistreat domestic animals

The enforcement officers

Will conduct investigations

If they receive complaints

About mistreated domestic animals

The fine can be imposed

Between $15,000 to $75,000

A jail sentence of 2 years or both

The owners of pets should remember it

smoke in the air


Smoke in the air

The signs display well

Every stall owner gets it done

No smoking allowed”

The customers will not bother

The smoke addicts will light it up

Puff it whole in the public spaces

Ignoring the health law

The stall owners

They don't care

All they think

Money they will collect

The enforcement officers

They are weak to enforce the health law

They don't investigate or walk around

They will hide away in their offices

Smoke in the air

The non-smokers will suffer

The secondary inhaling of smoke

Causing ill-health in the years ahead

Thursday, May 16, 2024

shame on you


Shame on you

Different speeches different stages

Wooing the crowd

The promises of change

Shame on you

Renaissance man

Too much talk no action

The emptiness sinks in

Will he take stock?

Has he fail his daughter assessment?

Once she said her “papa could be the best”

Today he hasn't reached the line

Shame on you

Don't go against the wind

The promises of change must happen

Else the trust will be gone

the promise of changes


The promise of changes

In the tool box waiting to open

The elected leader still slow dancing

Sipping in his juices of power

The people are waiting

Patience may have run thin

The grouses spread far and wide

Yet Renaissance man still doesn't hear?

The Rocket leaders should tell him

The reforms must be implemented

It mustn't be kept in the cold storage

Don't wait for GE16

It will be bad for PH

Renaissance man mustn't play busybody

He better looks into our woes

Leave Hamas to handle their own mistakes

The promise of changes

Renaissance man hasn't come to his mind

He is playing busybody

Our economy is driver-less




Don't say you are right or wrong

It only shows you haven't made up your mind

It only shows fear may have a grip in your life


You pray for it

You don't want to live in bad vibrations

But staying silence will not help

As long as you don't say

Many will say you are a coward

Let the bad win it

In a game of conflict

You can live in regret

When you find yourself in the cage

You should have said something

Yet you stay silence fear in your eyes


Waiting for morning to break free

Don't let fear rule the life

The bad will win all rights

we can't buy back time



Don't say you have it

It keeps moving

Even we take our breath

We can stop

But time will not

We can complain

Time will say “who's to blame?”

Don't tell time

It will not listen

It is its job to say

What's day and what's night

It is up to us

Living in time

Once we forget

We can't buy it back

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

no law for house arrest


There is no law

For house arrest

All convicts should

Stay in prison to complete sentence

Renaissance man

There is no need to suggest

MO1 should stay in prison

Pardon Board gave allowances

No need to bend the rules

To satisfy a thief of wealth

The millions need to return

The fine needs to be paid

Renaissance man

Throw away the millstones

It will cause you plenty

When GE16 comes knocking

Renaissance man

Better take measures to change

the drama of fools


The drama of fools

They don't see their actions

They only see what they will gain

As they get into the news

The nation stands afraid

Of these leaders running the game

They don't understand neutrality

As long as it clashes a religion

They will shout or demand

Even though it isn't our problem

Across the ocean to say

The drama of fools don't realize

One heavy weight is watching

The antics play by the drama of fools

It will cause the nation dearly

If they don't wake up to realize

Why want to be busybody?

When in our own backyard we don't see

Our helpless and homeless crying for help

Where is our priority to our own?

The drama of fools

Our leaders have become

Our backyard of poor and homeless

They don't see it in their eyes

the Rocket should roar


The Rocket

Shouldn't stray

Away from its core values

Now in the unity government

Its leaders still must roar

There is no reason to stay quiet

No need to offer excuses

It will be brought up in the Cabinet

It was what happened to MCA

Its leaders stay quiet in public

Only said it would be discussed

In the Cabinet meeting

In time MCA lost its shine

The Chinese community ignores the party

Now MCA fighting to stay relevance

It is already too late now

So Rocket leaders

Learn the history from MCA

Don't play the mouse game

Roar like the tiger