Friday, February 28, 2025

leftover women 4


Left-over women

Don't feel so sad

You still have your eyes

On the men in your life

Though ages fall

It isn't the end

You have to change your rules

Don't stick it like glue

Left-over women

Change your game

The old rules can't hit it

You shouldn't play

Left over women

There is still time

Change your needs

Simplicity makes it easy

no backbone time to go


Renaissance man

Where's your backbone?

If you don't have one

Isn't it time to let go?

You go backwards

Just to please your former party

Once you were held high esteem in it

Now you have to please them

MO1 should stay in prison

No house arrest as there is no law for it

The former King wasn't advice properly

A wrong can't be made right as it will be void

Renaissance man

Don't play the back door schemes

It isn't helping your causes

Wake up and walk the right way

the bad laws must go


The draconian laws

It will not be gone yet

Renaissance man hasn't touched it

He is still galloping

Into his 3rd year

There is still no sign for it

He seems to talk on corruption

The bad laws seem forgotten

Fishing for votes

It mustn't go unfulfilled

No politician should escape

Don't promise when you can't do

A law should be crafted

Binding the elected members

On promises on the campaign trails

An open contract it should be binding

don't contest to make it worst


The blue eye election

Coming in March

The contestants must learn

Don't contest to make it worst

Learn from the wolf party

The internal fighting caused it to deregister

Gave the leaders a slap on their faces

Because of jostling for positions and power

Don't contest on proxy

It will not assist the long term plan

It will cause friction within the party

The opposition will jump on it

Let the 2 top posts stay uncontested

It isn't about democracy in this time

It is about stabilizing the frame

Let the cultivation of good groundwork begin

Thursday, February 27, 2025

corruption punishment


Corruption punishment

Let there be no distinction

Once a person is found guilty

He has to serve his sentence

He can't ask for pardon

Though he can apply for it

The stolen money must be returned

Before the Pardon Board can decide

We can't have another MO1

Too much leniency for him

He could even jump queue for his pardon

Though he didn't his full request

Renaissance man still harping on it

On real issue at hand he doesn't see

He should reflect on his quest

The VIP cases dropped so easily

the judges must show compassion


Justice must show compassion

The judges who sit on it

They shouldn't forget

They shouldn't make mistakes

They are trained in law

They should learn compassion

If they don't have it in their tools

They should stop and think

Many minor cases

The offenders are packed to prison

Instead of showing compassion

The judges make the punishment

The politicians who steal or slander

The police will drag their feet to investigate

The judges will accord leeway of their excuses

But the poor or helpless are sent to prison

The judges should exercise compassion

Study the cases in their courts

A mother stole to feed her children

A senior citizen wrote not to offense

An apology and caution should be the day

The repeat offenders will have no excuse

By then the judges can mete them the punishment

Not those who stole millions or billions

life is fragile


Better go enjoy life

Don't wait for tomorrow

Life can turn into nightmares

Nobody can predict

Married or single

It doesn't matter

Make life interesting

Don't live in regrets

Forget about bucket list

It makes you feel the loss

Stay on the positive values

Life is meant to enjoy

Life is fragile

Stay relevant in pursuit

Of needs to get it done

Don't leave it behind

get corruption out of the way


Sabah corruption scandal

The investigation stalls now?

Macc hasn't pursued it further

Only says the video was edited

Those leaders involved

Smiling to walk free?

Renaissance man talks a lot

Get corruption out of the way

In reality on the ground

Corruption still running along

Case like Rizal Aziz

His case dropped

The US$248 million?

Nothing is said

Renaissance man

Better talk less

Action to get it done

The voters want changes

Renaissance man should hurry

He mustn't wait for time

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

the private hospitals charges


The private hospitals charges

The transparency in bill charges

It is a contention by many patients

Now MOF is studying it

Maybe MOF heard what US is doing?

US president issued an order on it

All private hospitals must give the breakdown

So that patients can shop for the best deals

MOF shouldn't just say on politics

Get the ground moving within a short spell

Don't prolong it when it is a known fact

MOH must pursue it too

All policies must work for the benefits of the people

All the private hospitals must be told what needed to be done

Don't accept excuses of many kinds

Let the big stick show the way forward

the big bully


The big bully

Hitting hard on the news

He wants his big slice

He doesn't care how he use it

The world leaders sit up

Planning their moves

The big bully

On his big run

In his home turf

The angry voices ring

Does he care about it?

He will say “They are fired!”

The big bully

He will find his downfall

He has set his own motion

The seers had seen it decades ago

the corruption bag


The corruption bag

In the long run

There are holes in it

Slowly the cases will drop

AGC will stop pursuing

Dropping the cases

Without any explanation

The case of Riza Aziz

What happen to over $1 billion ringgit?

AGC hasn't replied on the recovery

The case is dropped without knowing

Where's the amount to recover?

Maybe it is the barter trade

Mad Ani has made the way

Holding on to his position

He allows corruption to escape again

AGC under his purview

He should have known

So the taxpayers will hold the ball

Cursing him for the bad vibrations

the actor on stage


Mad Ani

The actor on stage

Every script he says

It may not hold true

There is something

Hiding the truth

Mad Ani needs to stand firm

On his march for reforms

Now he is trying to curry favors

His old party wolf in his mind

He has forgotten all his promises

Because he wants his post to stay

Leaving behind the bad episodes

The actor on stage just follow his script

He doesn't feel the real pain on the ground

He sells his story on different stage he attends

But is he a leader?

Once we thought he was

Now he sits on the chair

He has forgotten how to lead

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

the Rocket internal fighting


The Rocket different fuel

Fighting within the party itself

Many will say it is a normal day

As each faction will try to get elected

As long as it stays within the party

It will stay healthy in the public eyes

But some members will spin in public domain

Showing of split in the party ranks

Ah Loke says there is no internal fighting

Maybe he should listen more and watch the crowd

The party election in March will see

The ugly truth coming out to cause red faces

Politics is about power, prestige and benefits

As politicians they will want a piece of it

This is a natural progression playing in politics

Finding ways to climb up the ladder of power

The Rocket has internal game players

They don't care about their image for the party

They want their rights to push old timers out

As some veterans declined to contest again

his art of confusion


Renaissance man

His art of confusion

There lies his skill

He isn't telling us the truth

With coalition partners

Cushioning him to the top post

He has to balance his act

Finding ways to please his partners

Along the way he loses his shine

The chameleon man he is indeed!

Battling his way to stay on top

He has to beat around the bush

Pandering to his own race

He wants to get their votes

But he hasn't realize his bad move

It will cost his party dearly in the next election

Will he turn around and see the smoke?

Is he a renaissance man or just a make believe?

He better turns his direction around

Else he will find himself grounded in his lost cause

the mining pond


The mining pond

Day in the sun

The glitters of reflection

Notice up but cares?

The young adults still go

With fishing rods to fish

The notice sign

The ignorant will not see

Th fencing has no purpose

In time rust takes control

The fishing adults will cut it

Going through to fish

Iguanas thrive in the pond

Living on the food flowing down

As a catchment area during rain

The abundance of nutrients for the fishes

The pond has its history

People died in it

Look like suicide

Finding life hard to survive

Now it is a fishing ground

The young adults will go to fish

They don't feel the danger

They think it is a public area

the Rocket leaders have lost their voices


The Rocket leaders

Some circle say

They have lost their voices

Once they are the Cabinet ministers

They have forgotten their hard hitting voices

Out in the public domain they keep a low profile

They don't say anything critical of the government

Because some members in the Cabinet

They have morphed into rats

Hiding in the holes waiting for the bell

Otherwise they will stay quiet

Without any sound once they were loud

The wrongs floating around

Accepting terrorists to stay

One fugitive they dare not raise issue

Who preaches bad faith against others

It is against our law and Constitution

Yet this fugitive allows to stay and causing issues

What are the Rocket leaders doing now?

Nothing much we hear from them

The Rocket leaders

Better refill your fuel

Light up to blast off

Don't listen to excuses now

Monday, February 24, 2025

the bad vibration for the wolf party


The wolf elders

They should chain motor mouth

He is bringing bad vibration

To the party itself

The party chief stays quiet

Maybe that is his intention

Playing his game of ignorance

As his youth leader talks nonsense

It lets a former ambassador

Hit the nail on the motor mouth

It shows not every wolf likes his antics

He brings wolf party to the low

He allows his enemies to watch

Clapping him along for doing their work

Too much yelling on his 2R game

He will bring nothing but bad news

The former ambassador has a point

This motor mouth has no brain in his head

Going on his crusade on 2R

As if this is the only people in the country

the color changes


Mad Ani

The color changes

It suits his time

The event he wants to try

His backbone?

He hasn't got it made

As Regent of Johore once said

Mad Ani should be decisive and strong

Yet he is trying to please his backers

Going out on the wrong way

MO1 should stay in prison

No need to table House Arrest Bill

The Rocket leaders

Still in slumber holding on to power

And life full of pension

Forgetting once they shouted about

Mad Ani

Still dreaming on his 2nd term

He better returns to Permatang Pauh

He better stays away from mix voters base

my 2R game on the field


The road bumpy

The politics in the country

Everyday the same old tune

My 2R game on the field”

Every time a politician speaks

It is about his 2R menu in his head

He can't think of anything else

This is what he is good at

The economy still trying to succeed

AI will hit the shore and the world

Like it or not the 2R game should stay at home

It has no value in the world

Renaissance man still on his wrong move

The last 2 years he played this game

Knowing full well he may lose it all

His party may get the worst out of it

The road bumpy

The economy may rise

But 2R game may cause it to falter

Renaissance man should change his course

don't accept terrorists


The country shouldn't accept terrorists

They are Muslim terrorists with different ideology

Coming here to stay and live in our peaceful nation

What's Mad Ani trying to accomplish?

They are the “amok terrorists”

They don't care of the living

Even they bomb their own believers

Aren't they are the “amok terrorists”?

Mad Ani is playing his 2R game

He thinks of securing his 2nd term

At the rate he is going about it

He may just not get it at all

He refuses to listen

He doesn't hear the grouses on the ground

His long time walking on his campaigns

He forgot all about it

One fugitive he dares not send back

He is afraid to lose his Muslim votes

His greed will cause him to fall

Unless he wakes up to face the nation

Sunday, February 23, 2025

scrap religious affairs portfolio


The country doesn't need

A religious affairs minister

What's his scope?

Catering to his own religion?

We have state Muftis to do the job

Why create another post for it?

He doesn't have understanding

The other faiths in the country

Lately he had caused too much controversy

Until Sultan Selangor had to decree his thought

This type of policy shouldn't have happened

If we don't have a religious affairs minister

A religion is a private affair

Let it stay at home for the good of all

There is no supremacy of any religion

Using religion for personal gains a sin

A religion mustn't in politics

It will cause disharmony in thought

The wrong approach the fear of shadows

Let no politicians talk on religion

the draconian laws still laughing


The draconian laws

Once in opposition he fought so hard against it

Even in his campaigns he would say it loud and clear

He promised he would make changes for the good

Alas now he is in power in unity coalition

He has forgotten all about the promises

Even his black eye and in prison

He couldn't use it to make his changes work

The Rocket too as his side-kick

The leaders too stay low profile

In government they seem to hide

They should have warned of back-lash

It may not happen now

It may hit hard in GE16

Now Sosma still stays

The man himself said it

The draconian laws

Still laughing at the people

The elected members playing cool

They think it will not affect them

the corruption cases going South


The corruption cases

Involving VIP slowly let go

The court on appeal

The VIP cases acquitted


The court acquitted on appeal

Mad Ani what will he say?

What will AGC and Macc do?

The loot was there

Macc confirmed its investigations

Yet in the scheme of things

Once file an appeal the case dropped

It doesn't sound good

The war on corruption

It has hit on the side rock

Causing a traffic congestion

our lives up to us to define


Life is full of uncertainty

It makes it so lively to live in it

It keeps us on our toes

Not knowing what tomorrow will bring

Our lives up to us to define

On our journey to reach our destination

It isn't for others to tell us

It is our will to make it

The world is full of chaos

The lies keep spinning tales

Every moment we will see

The uncertainty will keep us going

The only thing we will realize

We can't quit on our lives

Going ahead will make the right choice

Living in it will make us rejoice

the barter trade


The barter trade in politics

The leaders will engage to suit their needs

Those in power will need it

To sustain their stay in power

When the close door meeting is done

The parties will work together for the common good

They will help the nation and themselves

Working hard to justify their stay on the top

Nobody will say anything

As long as they get what they want

There will be leniency for their past misdeeds

As DNAA cases might have proven it?

The barter trade in politics

They will engage in it for power and benefits

Behind close door keepin it low key

Only announce it when it is finally adoped

the turtle man


The turtle man

Down in hospital

Of a time he should reflect

The things he had done

Now he isn't holding any post

He has stayed quiet for a long while

Maybe he has reflected in his past

Coming to terms on his bad decision

His past can be a history

Drawing out for those to read and understand

Playing on 2R shouldn't be the game

It reflects badly on the politicians

He is in hospital on monitoring

On his recent health issue

Though hope he has a speedy recovery

Meanwhile he should reflect on his past actions

the lies


The lies

Sometimes good

Most times bad

Leaving us getting annoyed

The white lies

A camouflage to hide

The real reason

The other party will not get hurt

In our lives

We will say sometimes

The hard or personal questions

We will try to hide

The Don Juans

They are good at it

Breaking the hearts of women

As they fly in and out with ease

Even politicians will indulge in it

They will promise many things

When they get elected

They forget what they promise

Even lawyers will engage in it

They will argue and put forward reasons

Knowing they are fishing to get their clients release

This is their vocation to win cases

The lies and half truth

It is always in our daily lives

Facing hard questions

We will try to make it believable

Saturday, February 22, 2025

a bad taste of honey


In politics

We can't get the light

All the times

We will be disappointed

In every campaign

The promises will ring

Telling us they can do it

The way forward for us and nation

When the politicians secured a mandate

The government they formed to run the show

The promises they spoke of will be forgotten

In this unity government we saw the broken promises

Now in power to administer the nation

The politicians have forgotten their promises

The story of renaissance has become a history

Leaving us with a bad taste of honey