Saturday, June 25, 2005

i am out 9

Taiwan stopped import of US beef because of the mad cow disease. Japan too banned it since 2003. Is this Lord God's plan to wipe out the human race? We have seen the tidal waves hitting the countries. Now flood in southern China and dry weather in Northern China. Ironic ist it? We will not be aware of it because it will come 'like a thief walking through the night' Besides, we have moral decay in our population. The changes are coming in our midst. The clock is ticking and the time bomb sweating to glow in the distance light....Vegetables too have been contaminated with chemical spraying, the rivers and oceans and the rainfalls..The ozone layer is widening the hole in the sky...So what to be? Vegetarian? Meat eater? My mind is spinning.......

The ruling government own party official has been found guilty of money politics. A veteran politician in the ruling party currently the vice president of the party. There are more yet this could be just a ploy to silence the critics of the current administration. Just to say 'Look I have done my job!' This is just a temporary move to salvage the pride of the party. Nothing more. I wait for more news...

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