Saturday, January 21, 2006

flames of fury 21

The 9 Ministers can't send a memo to their Chief! What rubbish!!! This is democracy not an authocratic rule. Every one has a right to send a memo. True they can bring it up in the Cabinet meeting but will it be on the agenda?. I see the PM always says he is busy and has no time to peruse what comes to his plate. So how could the rest of Ministers say otherwise. Read the memo first than comment.....this is the part democracy where every one has a right to comment good or bad. Right these other Ministers including DPM are fanning their remarks without reading the memo. Pity. The other half of non-Muslims need to fight for their rights too. It is not something to sweep under the carpet. Apparently these Muslim Ministers want everything for themselves. Pity my country. The founding fathers of this country want every race every religion to co-exist peacefully in our multi-racial multi-religious concept. No one should claim a right over the others. Apparently there are people who do not see it that way. If laws need to be changed, it should be amended to suit the current time frames and not say it can't be done. Now I am getting fed up. Partly I was to blame to vote these people in. PM can't make up his mind. Even if he does, I think somebody feeds him the information. You know he says he has no time so he may as well resign.....the responsibility comes with grit and determination to get the country forward. Nay, I think we are going backwards. Rafidah Aziz was right. It is good it comes out of this issue. Moorthy case has drawn up a confusion amongst the people. For what I know he wasnt really rewarded when he was alive! Because he was of a different race.

What happen to the NAP? So silence....................and the PM says he will come out with the guidelines or regulations or what soon. It has been months since yet nothing from his office. And the cars are kept idling in the custom's godowns for PM to make a decision...Because the economy isnt good......and he thinks what to do with his formulation on the 9th Malaysian Plan. For the time being the people anxiously wait and wait....then we heard about 52,000 carowners defaulted on their loans. So another list of 52,000 bankrupts! Another round to help the crony companies/banks...This will translate into roughly over $2billion in defaulting loans! The housing loans too will next on the fall. It will happen when the economy falters...It has happened in US and Shanghai...just watch the economic scenario...

I am still waiting for my CF......

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