Friday, June 02, 2006

neighbors what's gone wrong?

The Avian flu worries the WHO in Indonesia. The agenda seemed to fall on the deaf ears of the local councils to protect the people. It was reported there are 450 district councils and the power rested in these officials to do something positive in fighting Avian flu(bird flu) Now with the disaster in Yogjakarta, the measures needed to confine the advance of Avian flu will take a back step towards containment of the deadly virus. Malaysia government should be on alert at all times. We are neighbors across the Straits of Malacca where the migration of birds are easily sighted into our shores. Currently there is no news about latest development of bird flu in the country. By tomorrow we can sigh a sense of release. The government will declare we are free of bird flu but with the latest developments in Indonesia we should practise caution with live birds.

And there is another 'bird flu' menace in our country. The police force reluctant to accept the concept of IPCMC to regulate its operations. In other words these police top brass are afraid of losing their control of power. I dont think IPCMC is taking away its power base. The police force is to protect the nation and her people. It is not established to push the agendas of the political master at all or to serve their own interests. They are the civil servants paid through the tax-payers coffer and as such they shouldnt feel threatened in accepting the IPCMC. The way these officers posted in their website is tantamount to challenging the government who pays for their services through the tax-payers' money. I rather the police force should be rationale and be more professional discharging their duties delegated to them by the government elected by the people. Follow the rules and the laws. For those who can't accept it, they should resign. They dont have the interest of the nation and her people in their hearts and minds. Why remain? Every time a person leaves or resigns, there is somebody to come forward to replace. It is the natural law of replacement. You dont like your job yet somebody will...

Malaysia......your kindness people forget....

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