Monday, December 18, 2006

khalwat raids

I agree with the Perlis Mufti's views on the overzealous religious officers raids on Muslim committing close proximity. If we take the view of the ancient texts, if you never commit a sin then you take the first stone throw. But if you have sins, you shouldnt do it. There are many issues for the religious officers to tackle. Policing religion isnt the way to seek enlightenment. It is the way of the corrosive mind. You harvest what you plant. In between of the religious texts every follower wants to claim the best. In the beginning there is already a conflict amongst the people. When Muhammed died, Islam is split into 2 groups. Sad isnt it? When Jesus died, the religion too is split. Very familiar isnt it? The famous quotes :-

There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
I am the Son of God. Whoever believe in Me will have eternal life

Currently both religions have over billion followers. But the followers dont agree on each other texts. The prophets were from the same family tree sent by the same God/Allah. So arent we have sinned through the ages of time?

But the religious office won't agree with the Perlis Mufti's view. Maybe next time he will be asked to attend for counselling for saying something different from the general consumption. Whoever sins...........he/she shall ask for forgiveness. Punishment is not by the mere mortals; punishment is in the hands of the Lord. The religious officers should go and spread the religion, explaining about the beautiful religion, the dos and donts and what needs to be done in case one falls on the way. Hell we will go through...dust to dust we all shall return....until such times when the Lord calls. Peace be to the Lord and all of us for our trepassing and sins

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