Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The turkey costs a lot
Maybe can buy 12 whole chicken
Yet it is a year end event
So it is bought

The preparation begins
Ingredients and brown sauces
Onion rings and cut potatoes
Fresh salad and desserts

Wholesome bread
Oven it and crunchy it becomes
On the night the dinner begins
Listening to the fountain falling

The lightings shine
The magic glowing in the eyes
Just remembering the good life
The stars shining bright

Lay out settings
The friendship on the plates
When it is done
The small talk begins

The presents under the Christmas tree
Lying there in pretty colorful box wrappings
It’s the season of sharing and giving
Every small bit helps in one’s journey

The melody of Christmas songs
Airing in the surrounding
Smiling faces whispering hope
There in Christmas
Something giving

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