Monday, February 09, 2009

as long as you are not God

by SeraphimCollective from flickr
As long as you are not God
You will make mistakes in life
There is no question about it
The only way out is to accept
Correct it makes amends

Society tends to differentiate
The caste system in the chart
The rich and the poor
The powerful and the weak
It is here all kinds of social adversaries strike
Leaving each party puffing hard for life

It is said the higher you are
You will find it hard to apologize
You will find it difficult to amend
You will always use status and power
To hit home the messages you are right
Though you know you are wrong

It is easy for the lower strata of society
Saying sorry and thank you………….
Why can’t we all be good and kind?
The world is shrinking yet we would fight
Back stabbing, robbing, telling lies
Taking lives as if it is alright
Putting fear and bullying the weak
As long as we are not God
We will be judged on what we do and say

Why not stop this nonsense?
Make the world a happy and united place to live
Respect each other learn to live peacefully
Else we are doomed as the days spinning by

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