Thursday, November 26, 2009

earn your credits

Enjoy what you are doing
Feel the moment; feel the flow
Don't regret what you have not done
Now and tomorrow count your blessings

All the times you think you have
The day you were born; the day you can walk and fly
The day you find you can talk and think
The day you can influence people getting it done

These are things you can do
Learning it acquiring it using it
And you think you have all the times
Then one day you wake up.........
You have no such time

Now you understand
Self satisfaction no way to go
It doesn't bring credits you can share
You have nothing to tell stories
When God ask you
You have nothing in your hands

You are put on Earth
To learn helping others
Any small way enriching somebody's
As it is said
“You can't bring your wealth
You can bring your credits
It will make you free”

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