Monday, August 16, 2010

the spices of life 74

different looks of the birth control pill

The Pill is 50 years old
It started in 1960
It empowers the women to be free
When to be a motherhood

There are critics
There are followers
The Pill enjoys wide acceptance
It's only the religious authorities

Women have choices
To enjoy sexual life and motherhood
They are the controllers of own destiny
The population needs.....

God say “Go and multiply”
God also equip us with brains
So we have to think on God's teaser
We must be responsible on our actions

Women should embrace the Pill
The religious authorities should think beyond scriptures
We can't have dumping babies without protection
Lying dead in rivers, swampy areas, restrooms

Give the women choices
The women have own lives to choose
Give them the benefits to make wise decision
Tell and teach what need to be done

The Pill has saved many unwanted pregnancies
It has given women chances to fulfill their needs
Of empowerment, on lusts, and desires; they have choices
Show them the way of how to go and multiply....

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