Saturday, August 25, 2012

yesterday when we were small....

When we were small
The world never troubled us
We were happy playing our games
Sometimes we fell we cried

Outside world were nothing to us
We never viewed it as a threat to our lives
Our world just around the houses and gardens
The games of hide and seek

We thought our parents were giants
In our small eyes we were small
We stood still when they came
We were afraid to be crushed

Then the giants we found
They were kind and gentle
Sometimes they were hard on us
We thought it was for our pranks

The eyes of the small
Outside the homes were the threats
We were afraid of the darkness
We heard of tales of the ghosts

So we were happy around the houses
The children normally did when parents away
They played their games and made believe
Of the world outside their homes

But years passing on
Age became the older tales
The banishment of the young minds
The adults world came flying by

The innocent of the small eyes
They were gone when they grew
Into the world where the living
They fought to nourish their needs

The eyes glimpse of the future
The new frontiers opening their lives
The age of the small eyes
It is left behind....

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