Wednesday, March 12, 2014

where to hide our faces?

The incompetence and embarrassment
The international press of reporters saw
How could it happen right on our soil?
The lack of coordination in sharing information

Maybe each wanted to get the 5 minute fame
On the cameras and videos streaming to the world
Suddenly the word famous became a catch phrase
But the downside showed our leaders couldn't handle it

The contradictory statements and denials
The information became a lost of time
Where time is so important in this instance
The bubbling ways make us look bad really

MH370 still can't be found
The location still a mystery since Saturday
This isn't a nightmare it is a sad tragedy
239 persons alive or dead only God knows

Maybe on the remote islands
Along the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
If the turn back really occurred
MH370 could be lying somewhere there

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