Monday, April 27, 2015

the castle lord

The long poles of fire
Pointing high to the sky
The walking beats
The stomping hard on the ground

Around the walls fencing
It seems like the fire burning
The castle knights look down
The fear in their eyes

This isn't the enemy
It is the people getting angry
With crops destroyed
With water tainted

The masses getting mad
The knights getting cold feet
The castle lord just sleeps away
He doesn't care

He wants his sleep
He wants his wealth
He wants his power
He thinks he earns it

The outside walls
He should pay heed
The people aren't satisfied
With problems besetting the State

The music flow
The entertainment glow
Into his eyes he only sees
The glory will come

The angry mob is rising
The knights know it well
Tell the castle lord
Do something before it is too late!”

Nobody runs
They know what will happen
The castle lord hangs them
Do not show disrespect

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