Wednesday, June 24, 2015

the bad days

Image result for sabah aftershocks earth quake

The bad days
It makes the pressing news
Maybe it sound like every day
It makes us forget

90 after shocks
It let the people feel the fear
When lives are at stake
They will start to think

Maybe it isn't the naked tourists
Maybe it isn't the Casanova breaches
Maybe it isn't showing disrespect
Maybe it is labeled as fixed deposit

For years Sabah is
Until the choices are limited
Once it was a free country in religions
Then Islam walked in to claim the chair

Because of fixed deposit
The Sabahans kept quiet
The wealth just flow away
Yet they are contented

But spirits aren't
They can't stand it anymore
The naked tourists just an excuse
We all need one don't we?

Maybe I am wrong
There is nothing to do with anything
It could be Nature doing the alignments
Too many red wine spilled on the ground

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