Tuesday, February 16, 2016

building bridges too far out

He wants to build bridges
It has gone too far to do
The lies burying deep underground
It will be hard to forget

Don't he see it?
He hides his charade
We can't forget
The hurt we feel everyday

He spends like water
Where have the oil money gone?
With the crude oil plunging low
We see the rising costs

The costs of good never go down
It stays on sometimes it rises
We complain everyday
The slow walk in the park

The illegals arrive here
How could they in large numbers?
Somewhere the enforcement is weak
The money talk seems the day

No need to bring in anymore
We have enough illegals to do the jobs
It is better to turn the illegals to employment
Collect the monies monitor their movements

But no the lie after lie
It seems it never ends in our times
It is the wagon train of wealth
Somebody wants it quickly

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