Sunday, December 04, 2016

words are easy

Words are easy
It flows right into the mind
It can't be pushed around
It's like the wind whispering
It doesn't bring sorrow
It doesn't play tricks
When it is used in sincerity
There is nothing to worry

Words are easy
Fall into the hands of the crooks
They will manufacture falsehoods
They will betray the trusts
As they seek their own fortunes
They don't tolerate uprising
They don't take the heat
They will say...
You have destroy democracy”

Words are easy
It is used to cause peace or uproar
It can be changed to suit the time
It can be used to influence others
Use it in the proper perspective
We will feel safe in our living
If only we don't have the liars
They use words to make their stay

Words are easy
If we listen well
Use it in proper way
We will not feel the pain
We will not get angry
We will not feel cheated
Use it by the fraudsters
Everything will turn bad
If we forget to think and reason

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