Sunday, February 26, 2017

erection deficiency

Men watch your diet
Don't eat just to stay alive
Know the food intake
It will help you when you need it most

The fast food and cafe joints
It has caused the poor diet
Men when you can't experience it up
It's time to check your food menu

Even the young adults
They get the erection deficiency
It has caused countless misery
When it matters the most

The intimacy should rock
But it has turned wimp and flat
The erection defiency cracks the manhood
The performance weakness erodes confidence

When there is insufficient blood flow
The sexual performance will be low
The sexual confidence declines
The worrying trends affecting work and relationships

When erection deficiency declines
Most men will cry and worry
Now think before you consume
On the food on your plate

Don't think of viagra
It has its toxics in the body systems
A life can be lost; don't waste money and time
Score the hit on the first consumption

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