Sunday, December 03, 2017

GE 14 time history is made!

The out of shelf life leaders
Once they had the taste of power
But of greed they hit the fall
Now they joined back its old party
Thinking they can rejuvenate their careers
Time has left them on the down slide
They will only hear their own echoes
Pointing at their misdeeds of years gone by
Still they think they can contribute
The sinking ship will go down in history
Once they are under the seabed
Let the ghosts ring around it
There it will be told of its heyday
Of a time its leaders plunder the nation
Carted away wealth through inflated projects costs
Through commissions collected by the runners
So it is said in many coffee shops grapevines
Yet the leaders don't see its incoming disgrace
The shelf has already gone out of date
It is on borrowed recycle time
The strike is done; the time to collapse
The GE14 the time history is made!

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