Sunday, December 18, 2022

MOA needed for the unity government


The nation on the low tides

She hasn't found her bearing to rise

She needs the toughest measures

To steer her to a spot in the emerging economy

Anwar needs the MOA

It isn't for his benefits

It is for the stability and cohesiveness

Taking the nation to a greater high

Now we are facing our bad economy

The people are fighting to survive

Even their savings withdrawn and used

They will pray and hope for a brighter future

The MOA isn't going to breed dictatorship

It is needed to stir the nation to stay afloat

As Covid 19 has done economically damaged to the country

Less politics stay on course to govern the nation

The MOA needed to gel the unity government

It isn't an easy task to play the game of balancing

Sometimes it may cause disagreement in policies

With MOA it may help to cool down temperatures

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