Tuesday, September 06, 2005

sex education 13

What is the Rhythm Method?

The rhythm method, also known as "fertility awareness," is a method of birth control that uses the menstrual cycle to predict your most fertile time of the month - that is when you are most likely to become pregnant. Once you have identified your most fertile time you simply don't have sex or use a barrier method of birth control during that time period.

How does it work?

Fertility awareness birth control methods are based on the fact that:
sperm may live in the female reproductive tract for up to 7 days
the female egg lives for only a day
fertilization may occur even days after intercourse
"safe days" occur 2 days after ovulation and continue until your next period

There are several methods of determining which are the most fertile days of your cycle; a family planning clinic or your doctor will suggest one of several methods to help you identify the safest time during your cycle for having intercourse. These include the:
Calendar Rhythm Method - This method requires that you keep track of your cycle for a few months to determine your own individual pattern of ovulation. The pattern will help you keep track of when is most "dangerous" to have sexual intercourse.
Basal Body Temperature Method - This method involves keeping track of your body temperature so that you can tell when you are ovulating. Body temperature rises two days prior to ovulation.
Ovulation Method - This method requires you to check your cervical mucus to determine the time of ovulation.
Symptothermal Method - A combination of the first two methods.
Ovulation Predictor Kits - Available at the drugstore, these kits are used to test your urine to identify hormones that indicate ovulation is about to occur.

How effective is it?

No method guarantees 100% efficacy but the rhythm method may be trickier than some. You should choose a fertility awareness method only if:
you have a partner who is willing to cooperate
you are aware of and have a regular, steady monthly cycle
you are willing to invest the time and effort required to learn about fertility awareness methods
you and your partner are prepared to accept the fact that protection against pregnancy is not perfect

Are there side effects?


This method is sanctioned by the Church as they feel it doesnt go against the holy scriptures "go forth and multiply" If you read the scriptures carefully, there are leeways where God allows it to happen. The valves that one can release the sexual urge...

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