Sunday, July 15, 2007

the gravy train

Now Nat Tan confirmed in police custody
Detained him on OSA
Right of freedom curtailed
What the PM got to say?
“I don’t know”

The leaders shouldn’t be afraid
Of what are posted on the blogs
If they are clean as they claimed they are
Why worry about postings in the net?

Go and set one
Tell us what you rebut
In this way there will be a debate
Many are willing to drop by

We are the ones
Voted them in every time
Wake up people
Time for change

Passing laws without debate
Saying they have the 2/3 mentality
Quickly make into laws
The peoples’ rights eroded

There is no toll for the gravy train
It goes on and on
Every election the voters forget
Elect the corrupted leaders once again

Are we blinded by faith?
Are we cowed by the heavyweight?
The vote in your hand
It is a decision making a difference

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