Saturday, June 14, 2008

the gentlemen pact

The gentlemen pact
The UMNO 2 leaders decide
They still think
The party through BN will rule the country

Time has changed
The people too evolved
Too much headaches and holes in pockets
It isn’t the way the people want

Too long on power
These leaders forget
Hundreds of billions disappeared
Into schemes and bailouts decreed

These leaders should go
Know their mishandling of economy
People aren’t smiling to the banks
They are worried where will be the next meal
When events running out of control

With all these hikes
Petrol and electricity tariff
Fixed deposit interest rate never changes
Is the BNM governor staring into space?

The cost of living
It will be high in no time
Price changes arrive
Many wrinkles on the faces will show
How to budget when money suddenly disappears?

Let them have their pact
Into the oblivion space
Sitting on the moon
And sing their hearts out
Into the emptiness
We don’t care

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