Tuesday, June 17, 2008

whispering in the wind

People have felt the misery
The costs of living sky rocketing

Some haven’t recovered
Some have felt the erosion
On their money in their pockets
Today I went to Post Office
Cashing on the rebate

I found just manageable crowd
Taking forms collecting cash rebates
Every one there talking on costs of living
The worst is the petrol hike………..

And we hear the government saying
Introducing ways to ease the strain
In the first place the government doesn’t have to hike
It is the money they wanted for something else
They found the grounds got angry
So they said ways to improve the burden of the people

The BN/UMNO leaders spin
The tales of helping the people
They are the ones who made the misery
Now they come out to champion the masses

The whispering in the wind
The trees and branches too
You hear it in the seas
Amongst the rivers and alleys

BN/UMNO growing too fat
The doors begin to shut on it
Finding ways to trim its fat
It growls in the tight door way
Nobody to help slowly will collapse

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