Monday, July 07, 2008

cheers malaysia!

malaysians protest peacefully
picture borrowed from malaysiakini/sloone

How many times tears need to fall?
How many rallies before you wake up?
How many fixed up charges to bring leaders down?
Malaysia, my friends, interesting country to sit and watch
By the road side sipping teh tarik eyes to the sky

The entertainment of many people
Colorful tee shirts messages of protests
Mingling peacefully with families and friends
Unfamiliar faces all come for the same event
How many stomping on the ground before changes done?

The days of protests will come
The scenes of Malaysia life will arrive
On weekends so as not to disturb the working people
The rallies will unleash the pent up frustrations
Of the people knowing costs of goods have gone high

How many lip services will the Bodohians say?
How many statements will flip flop again?
Malaysia, my friends, has lost her way……….
Africans aggressively wooing her all day long
‘They are gentlemen, kind and attentive’ one Malay woman says
But in one posh area Africans are nuisance chasing after married women

Malaysia, my friends, attracting the wrong kind
Sip your drinks watch the scenes unfold every time
The pulsating political intrigues……………….
It makes the country hot and spicy with dashes of black pepper
It spices the lives of the nation

Cheers Malaysia!
You never make a dull living here
This is why I never leave
For greener pasture elsewhere
You are my home

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