Thursday, July 03, 2008

the game of chess

The sleeping beauty hopes
The way he plans it works

Nudge the Brutus to strike
In his own camp he bids
The effects land on the waiting line
Out he goes the next person rides

Bring up the old issue
The sleeping beauty knows it works
Then denying it all the times
Who wants to know?

The affected players defend
Take out horse knights to fight
The maneuvering in and outside fences
He sleeps coolly enjoying his game

When the fiery orator goes on the road shows
He knows he has got his bearing right
He needs him to do that
So when rallies hit up on the streets
He can use the state emergency law to clamp it down

Sweet lord of everything
With one sword he makes his sweep
Deflecting his antagonists ambitions
He sips his coffee smiling happily

The white sheet too is stained
Of lies, sins and corruptions
It is written invincible ink
Of the dirty roads plain for all to see

The game of chess
The baiting moves
Cronies, moles and Trojan horses
The loopholes
Ah….the human greed
Of wealth and living luxuriously
Deception…..the game of hardcore pr

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