Monday, December 15, 2008


Greed the evil in the mind
It makes it the day you fall
Into its lap screwing it tight
You live a temporary paradise
Believing you have arrived

It finds you a place
You think it is posh and quiet dwelling
Lush green misty morning
Cool breeze at night
You think you live in paradise

The underground crawling
The evil stalks the greedy
In time it rears its ugly head
There is no warning
Only loud noises and shock waves

Lives disappeared from the screen
Homes, mud and trees tumbling down
No second chance those on the path
Life flowing out in few seconds

It is worth the money buying paradise?
Know the pitfall; know the terrain
Don’t get influence by marketing tools
Life isn’t a playing game
Once you lose it, you are gone for good
So know what you are buying into

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