Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Class and Feng Shui
On the hilly slopes dwell
Living like kings and queens
Princes and princesses
Looking down on the valleys

Cooling effects in the days
Bright sunlight beaming shaft of golden rays
The breezy wind hollering every corner
The life of grandeur and social standing

When the thunders roll
The sparks in the dark clouds
The fear expresses in their eyes
Looking out the windows and balconies
Of the strong winds hollering cries

The rumbling on the grounds
The falling trees and mud
It isn’t Feng Shui and class
It is nature calling of her cries

Jilted lovers money rules
Forgetting about nature and her beauty
Now the vengeance of her dislikes
Burying the innocents
For they are part of her cries

Of class and Feng Shui
Don’t read the brochures
Listen to your heart
Of nature and its beauty
For eternity in our eyes

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