Monday, July 27, 2009

the stirrer and the stirring pot

The stirrer whips his cream
Blowing it out floating into space
He stirs the imaginative plots
Twisting it to make someone takes a fall

Rumours lies and report
All to make it looks substantially true
The stirrer knows what he intends to do
Seeking publicity alone he will go

Party interests take a back seat
Coalition partners wink at it
The stirrer whips up his cream
It has stirred the public outrage

Police report lodged
Nothing will come out of it
It is alleged plot within the black knight
Stirring up the emotional charges
Let the opposition take the rap

The susurrus wind
Blending the plot quicken the pace
The falling ducks from the sky
As the hunters aim ready to shoot
The innocents as they stir
The moments of their lives

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