Sunday, September 27, 2009

the chess board

Do you stop and think about your life?
Why so many prophets came and go?
Is God trying to test His children?
From the Torah, New Testament and Holy Quran
Besides other religions people sing and pray?

In the beginning until today
His children don't know which way
Each prophet came with one story
It never told the full............
Another one came to continue
Telling you the old story gone
A new chapter for you to live with

Even today paganism flourishes
The symbols and worship idols reign
Look around the places of worships
What have you seen every time?

The grandeur of buildings
Each religion telling its followers
Is God wanted this way?
I don't think so
“He is everywhere anywhere
You can pray and talk to him
Any place free like the breeze”

God never tells His full story
He sends 1001 prophets
Telling stories of 1001 nights
In the end when you wake up
What part you forget?

God like to play his game
Moving us around in His chess board
Which part is you................?
You will never know

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