Thursday, September 10, 2009

read the law

The State Speaker
In his own House he is supreme
No other agency should intervene
This is called separation of power

Yet when it is convenient
To suit the Albino and gang
The decision bends backwards
Interference with open eyes

The State Speaker
The authority lies with him
Under any State Constitution
No judge or agency should step in
It is so constituted it is his House

Now we have Federal Court
Appeal Court and High Court
Judging the State Assembly
By the Federal Constitution
They have no authority

In Kedah and Perak
The intervention to suit Albino
The judges delivered not following the law
1Malaysia a fool to believe in slogan

In Perak
Let the people decide
Too many decisions
Never follow the laws
Don't take it we are fools
When GE13 arrives
Prepare for the new life

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