Thursday, January 20, 2011

the spinning top


You help me I help you
Let's share the country's wealth
You put me in the seat of power
You will get the funding

There is no doubt about it
You help me I help you
Across any lines you will get
As long as you put me in the driving seat

The porn artist and his entourage
Selling wares for the good of themselves
Out in the open balls get tightened up
Once the puppet strings pull the changes begin

The stage of puppets
Dancing on the tunes
The master puppeteer swings the strings
They dance a force smile and pitiful look

The fools the people become
Getting crumbs shouting so loudly
Carrying bags of cheap goods
They sell their power forgetting how to deal

You help me I help you
You take the crumbs I take the meat
I put you in the sun I stay in comfort
“You ask me why?” “I say you put me there”

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