Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the political intrigues

Can you spell sex tape?

The game of political intrigues
The lap dogs running and barking
Plotting in every move to play dirty
On a leader they want to finish

As in all plots they hatched
The trails will be known quickly
Holding court to influence the allegation
The media jumped on the wagon

The sniffing of news
The media people will go
They don't want to know
The just want to sell news

The laws of justice
The police work slowly
Viewing pornography in group
The lap dogs forget the law

Will the police charge?
The person and group of persons
Viewing pornography in public?
We know the answer don't we?

The game of political intrigues
It never fails to excite the highway
The country turning rudderless
The compass guides by automatic signals

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