Wednesday, July 17, 2013

the alvivi couple

The sex bloggers
Once they were in the spot light
With their own naked explicit pictures
Telling the world they wanted to be free

They forgot where they were
In the country where tradition holds true
They were censored left and right
They forgot they brought shame to their families

Some might argue
It has nothing to do with anybody
It is their own free will to do and share
But decorum telling them to behave

Now the couple Alvivi
As the media branded the story
They insulted a religion
With a banner and bah kut teh

Though they apologised quickly
They should realize they have gone overboard
No doubt many want them to be punished
We mustn't practised double standard in prosecution

There are those who did worst
They aren't called to explain or police hauled them in
They were allowed to go free
The retired judge and perkasa leaders and cow heads incident

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