Thursday, May 29, 2014

if the head is rotten

The police hunting
The 38 rapists on the run
A secondary school girl was raped
Many times over until unconscious

The police suspect
She could be sodomised too
The medical report would tell
The rapists must all be caught

The house unoccupied
Though the owner lived 20 meter away
As reported the addicts haunt
Report made no police acted on it

The surrounding neighbours
Nobody knew a rape committed
Until the police came
It became news to the people

Even with the tough drug laws
The death penalty imposed on it
The drugs are still running through
The chain hasn't been broken

The law on rape
With caning and jail sentence
The rape still occurs
They blame on yellow culture and women

It is in the mind
Nothing to do with adverse erotic materials
If the head is rotten,everything smells bad

Even harsh laws will not deter a crime

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