Friday, November 06, 2015

are we in police state?

Are we in police state?
We can't criticise the men in blue
We can't criticise the government
The police will spring into gears

Now the opposition lawmakers
One by one will be picked up and charged
Under the Sedition Act or PAA
Sometimes under Sosma

But for the ruling elites and members
They seem to escape the eye of the police
Even saying seditious remarks they can escape
The men in blue will take a long walk from a maze

Even stomping pictures of public figures
The police will come after the event
But the ruling elite members they can escape
We don't hear the outright marching orders

Can't the police be fair?
Don't play politics
You are employed to do a job
Be equal in tasks ruling and opposition

Are we in police state?
The Old Man seems to think so
The public perception ringing high
It is time we take stock of our lives and nation

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