Wednesday, October 05, 2016

the tin heads

Music in the ears
It is the brain got hotwired
It is from there the sound came
Bringing sleep a marathon wake

The tin heads know
The medical cure isn't there
Only lately the scientists started a research
Finding cure for tinnitus

It may take about 10 years
Preliminary results are encouraging
But the scientists in UK aren't satisfied
They still need many years of research

There is still no cure
But alternative medicine may have it
It will take months to get the result
By eating natural foods, nuts, mineral oils and supplements

The tin heads must not stay in quiet places
The ringing will become unbearable
It is better to work, exercise and walk
And talk with relatives and friends

Tinnitus is from the brain source
Listening to waterfall or natural environment
It will bring relieve for the sufferers
And must stay positive in life and pray

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