Thursday, December 07, 2017

a family ties should stay as a unit

A blood brother spinning tales
All about a state powerful leader
It brings a bad light on his parents
Bringing him up to this world

Only in red and white assembly
He comes in and drags on his tales
Sibling rivalry and bad blood
It should stay within the family circles

By his association with a party
He thinks he can gardner some favors
Spinning his dislike of his brother
In public to gain brownie points

It is a sad tale
He doesn't value his family ties
Though he may feel slighted
He shouldn't tell tales about his brother

Likewise his brother too has dirt on him
It will run both ways of the division
What will it gain for him personally?
He has sold his soul to the devil

Politics is a dirty game
It has no rules or decorum
But family ties should be behind the light
It should stay as a family unit

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