Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Loki makes havoc
In his domain he thinks he is good
The creatures in his holding cage
They are beholden to him

He makes promises
He will not deliver
He will try to evade issues
He says he will use the creatures

He will rain it from the sky
The night of the dark creatures
Hovering in the open air
Let the fear begin to reign

But justice is sweet
When the light meet the darkness
Nothing can escape from its grip
Loki knows so he still plays his games

Because he says
He isn't in the cage
He still can make his excuses
Though he knows his time is up

Loki brings bad news
He's only interested in the bad
The creatures in his holding cage
Howling to be fed!

He dares not use his creatures
The good soldiers wait in patience mode
Once he forgets to toe his line
The thunder will strike him bad

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