Wednesday, January 23, 2019

the bridge of lost souls

The bridge of lost souls
They want to be free
The watery grave holds them
They are chained

Once they lived free
They took for granted
They forgot about rules
They forgot about living

They drove like F1
They didn’t care about their lives
Once they knocked against dividers
Lives flew out to the watery dark grave

Even flew like Superman
Floating high in the air
For a few moments the realization
Suicides do not solve problems

Lives are full of ups and downs
It is the nature of living
It is the test each has to go through
The confidence to take all in the strikes

The bridge of lost souls
They will wait to find replacements
Only then they will go free
The new recruits will hold the burden

The bridge of lost souls
The forces of light and dark will play
It is a never- ending tale to tell
Somebody has to fall; somebody has to born

Believe it or not
Drive through the bridge
Say your short prayer
Let it be a fruitful living

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