Friday, March 01, 2019

the birdie in the nest

The birdie in the nest
Roaring noises when there is the cat
Flying every where tweeting it
The parenting birds make it worst

The birdie will tweet loudly
It can't see the cat under the bamboo tree
Obviously, it looks at the adult birds
Whistling noises to irritate the cat

The cat looks up and see
It settles down to sleep and wait
This irritates the parenting birds
Clinging to branches irritating noises

The cat isn't going yet
It stays cool pretending to sleep
The noises reaching out to high pitch
Until the cat walks away

Now the birdie isn't safe
There is a danger the cat will return
In the night to shake the bamboo tree
The cat will hope the birdie will jump out

That will be the superb supper
The cat will dream about it
The birdie has a chance
It mustn't fall to the ground

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