Thursday, July 11, 2019

the wrong use of power

They fell from grace
They thought they couldn’t fall
When the dust settled down
They couldn’t believe what they saw

The power had gone
They were left speechless
The survey said they would win
With a wide margin of victory

They fell like the bowling pins
They were hit hard they didn’t plan for it
They scrambled to put up a brave front
But they knew they lost the power

One year passed
The leaders try hard to put up their faces
Most of the well -known leaders facing charges
They will not get away with it

The power, greed and corruption
It runs into billions of the country’s wealth
Now these leaders are facing a long time in prison
Though they still behave as if nothing has happened

RoS has to look into Amla cases
The political party may face deregistration
This is karma working to bring it down for good
The zombie members still putting their heads in the sand

The wrong use of power
It will corrupt the mind
It will be a downward spiral
It will be the end for the corrupt

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