Friday, September 18, 2020

cast out the crooks and frogs


Don't let the crooks fly

They have to be chained

Let them cry in shame

The bad of their game

Some crooks haven't been caught

The rumour will sail in the grapevines

The documents will be highlighted

Yet the authority will stay quiet

If we read the Sarawak Report

There are many cases the report highlighted

Yet the authority never walk the talk

They will say not enough manpower!

Once we thought PH would do

But it was blocked by the Old Man

Until the government was hijacked

All fingers point back to Dr M

Though there will be a come back

The Old Man is planning to take it

He is hungry for vengeance

On the back door leaders who played Brutus

Still the crooks still fly

Standing for election and campaigns

The voters must see the truth

Cast it out the crooks and frogs

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