Monday, February 12, 2007

US should go home from Iraq

Dr M wants more US soldiers in body bags. I dont agree with him. He should ask the US President to call home his soldiers. Let the Iraqis fight themselves on their own destiny. If the Iraqis doesnt want to learn about peace living, it isnt US problem. It is the Iraqis internal conflict. Every time US wants to muscle in because she has the power, it will eventually collapse due to false premise. It doesnt hold her ground. Dont build a house on a porous ground. It will collapse eventually. Likewise US should learn her lesson in Vietnam. US can't beat Asian. The rise of Asians will be in the 21st century. Look at China and India. These countries will conqueur the world economically beside Japan And South Korea. I think it isnt the body bags issue. It is the policy and the ego of each leader. It is time to come down to the basic of loving thy is the way to peace

Malaysia is living in peace.....until one crazy leader destroys the fabric of society

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