Monday, November 19, 2007


S.Subashini aged 12 years old...courtesy The Star

UPSR result out. One young girl took her life! Young girl S. Subashini, aged 12 years old, hanged herself in her family home on Saturday afternoon. The education is to teach the positive values to cherish. It is the placing of importance of examination as the barometer of one's achievement that pressured many young adults to commit suicide. Too much placing on achievement on examination shouldnt be allowed to be used as a measurement of one's achievement. It is better to overhaul the education system to place say 50% on assignment 50% on examination. In this way many will know how they fare on their assignment work before they sit for the other 50%. The young minds shouldnt be corrupted that success in life should pass examinations. Success in life is through one own achievements. Passing flying colors in examinations doesnt proof one will be a successful person in life. No Sir!

May The Good Lord guides her journey to her next life. Amen

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