Friday, November 09, 2007


I dont like long winding public speeches. I dont know why leaders and bosses like to read their long speeches. Is it to tell the audience how good they are? The political leaders speeches long and hollow.....sometimes I feel there is no spirit and enthusiasm in the speeches. Granted these leaders speak monotone which make listening a boring to the ears. I wonder why they dont KISS it. If these leaders want to read from their prepared text, they may as well print it and distribute to the audience. Why can't they do it I wonder? I enjoy listening to public speeches without text involved. Here I can see the speakers in can learn a trick or two from these established speakers. I once attended a public rallying speech by Anwar Ibrahim. He could arouse your feeling when he didnt speak from prepared text. Of course I couldnt say much on him using English language. He is in his element in Bahasa Malaysia. When I was the president of a rotary club I made my public speech within 5 minutes. Every member just couldnt believe it. Why waste other people's time for a long speech? Tell them the essence of it and get to work.

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