Sunday, November 11, 2007


Sex is important in any relationship. If it is not, God wouldn't have made for His children to participate. But what gone wrong in that sexual relationship? After so many decades in this modern world, there are still many unsatisfied couples in the relationship. Hear what the survey narrated into the Malaysian sex life. The findings of the Pfizer Global Better Sex Survey indicated that 83% of Malaysian women believe sex is important to a fulfilling relationship, another local study indicates 69.6% of Malaysian women experience some form of female sexual dysfunction(FSD) Can you see why the divorce rate is high nowadays? Or why you read of sexual affairs or office romance on the rise? Because somebody isnt satisfied in his/her sex drive. When women have low sex drive, their partners will go looking for sex outside marriage. The bedrooms are the breakeven point in any relationship - ship in or ship out. When men have ED, they dont seek treatment. They blame it on their partners. It is simple really. Exercise and eat proper foods then the libido will stay strong and it can do wonders. In the pharmacy there are vitamins supplements good for men and women marketed under Mega men/Mega women. For the guys they should also take 500mg L-Arginine daily and 1000mg one hour before performing sexual act. Caution though L-Argnine isnt for those suffering from heart attacks. It is for guys who are strong and healthy only. These mega vitamins and L-Arginine help to boost the sexual drive of the guys. Exercises must conduct on a daily basis so that one stays healthy all the time. One more thing which is important in any relationship - communication and foreplay. Sometimes giving a hug to your partner helps to maintain a loving relationship. Yet you read in columns in newspapers and magazines about couples not getting well together. Some of which are boredom, no trust with the partner, jealousy, paying less attention to each other, less sex drives...............................Imagine in this world there is the man and there is the woman

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