Wednesday, May 27, 2009

write it down

Write down your thoughts by pansch
Write down your thoughts by pansch

When the mind is trouble
The reasoning is hard to see
Sleep won't come easy
As you toss into restless dreams

It is said better to watch fishes
Swimming in the aquarium
It helps the mind to focus
A new perspective to see what's wrong

Learn from the fishes
Controlled temperature feeding times
Swimming endlessly within its walls
Knowing the taste of life differently
They will make the sacrifices
What else the fishes can do?
Nothing really as the script is written

Now think of yourself
The intelligent being walking around
Problems are tiny spots
Don't let it grow
Control or eliminate it quickly
Recognize the setbacks find solutions
Many go through the familiar settings

Write it down
As the troubling thoughts arrive
Let the mind be free of impediments
File it if it isn't important

Problems part of life process
It makes a person strong and innovative
Finding solution already diverting it
You will feel fresh eager to start a new chapter
Yesterday is gone; today something to learn
Tomorrow hasn't started but it is life

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