Saturday, October 24, 2009

majority colours world population

What are the majority colours of the world population?
The 7 seas divide that you don't see it
The lashing waves and ripples whispering of the oceans
Hitting the shores lazily the people dull into........

The sun bays out its golden structures
Arrowing its ray of golden beams........
Shadowing the eyes blinding for a while
The ordinary people carrying out as usual

The population growth reaching its peak
Billions now walking on the streets
Every inch the soil seems to disappear
As billions feet walking running on it

The moon and stars
The night brightens shadowy smile
The colours of ordinary people
Intermixing rising to populate
The Mother Earth holding them lovingly
Though she cries of the people indifferent attitudes

What are the majority colours in the world?
Into the crystal ball what you see at all?
The colours of black and brown
Yet the might loses to the white....

And we say majority rules
God say otherwise..........
The subtle message
We always forget
1God nothing else matters!

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